Letters to the Editor — April 25, 2022
Please invoke Defense Protection Act Editor, Earth Day is a reminder that together, there is a lot we can do to stop and then reverse the damage done by the greed and recklessness of ...

More questions for flood relief victims
Hope. Spring, green grass, flowering trees, bushes, snowdrops, tulips, daffodils, even dandelions. All give hope of the season yet to come. Summer with different crops of food and grain ...

Ben Elenbaas: a conservative heart
Where have the age-old virtues of kindness, grace, and forgiveness gone in our politics? Every day is filled with examples of both sides of the political divide trying to bloody the ...

Briefly: Ferndale and the surrounding areas in the news, April 27, 2022
Soft Goods/Clothing Drive Soft Goods/Clothing Drive for Ferndale Alliance Church Vacation Bible School Fundraiser from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30. Bring ...
Dale DeWaard
Dale DeWaard
Dale Abram DeWaard went to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, April 22.
Dale was born May 16, 1952 in Bellingham. He was the third of seven children born to parents ...
Marion Carr
Marion Carr
On Sunday, April 17, Marion Davis Carr passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was 91 years old.
Marion was a Whatcom native, born to Frank and Grace (Pattinson) Davis ...
Bob Kildall
Bob Kildall
Our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Robert M. Kildall ”Bob,” founder of Bob’s Burgers & Brew restaurants and business owner, passed away peacefully ...

U.S. Bank grants $25K to Whatcom Literacy Council
Successful employment and self-sufficiency through literacy BELLINGHAM — The Whatcom Literacy Council, has received a $25,000 grant from U.S. Bank that will be used to empower ...

New owners for iconic Whatcom nursery
WHATCOM — By recently becoming only the third set of owners at Kent’s Garden & Nursery in Bellingham since its launch in 1976, Isaac and Laurie Burrous acquired a responsibility ...

Anytime Toffee brings sweet treats to Ferndale
From family business to storefront By Elisa Claassen For the Record FERNDALE — Ferndale has a new storefront for something yummy. After months of planning, April 23 was the soft ...